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Free Indeed? Like John 8:36?

Yes, of course it has to do with the earth shattering verse:

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed

- John 8:36, NIV

But not because I loved it. Honestly, I resented it. I knew I loved the Lord, I knew I believed that Jesus' death was sufficient to save me, but I could not seem to believe that his death could truly set my free. Not from this.

I wish I could explain to you how I never thought this day would come. A day where I was no longer bound by the shackles of pornography and masturbation? Surely that day was available for anyone but not for me!

Let us be very clear: If you put your faith in Christ, we believe that full and unwavering freedom from pornography and masturbation is not simply possible, it is most probable for a believer ready to make the sacrifices it takes to take hold of the life God has for them. But what we can absolutely assure you is this: Healing takes place in community!

So the only question left for you to answer is, why are you still hanging out on our website if all the action is on our app?

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